Monday, July 18, 2016

The Wonder of Saluyot Okra and Sitaw

                                      Surprisingly , the Wonder of Saluyot Okra and Sitaw these backyard vegetables bring wonderful benefits to our body .Saluyot which is known as Jute is an edible leafy vegetables ,its leaves are very nutritious.It is rich in iron, Vitamin A C and E , calcium, thiamin ,riboflavin ,niacin and dietary fibers . Saluyot leaves when cooked as stew is very delicious. Saluyot is also very rich in fiber ,thus it helps control cholesterol build up and blood pressure,diabetes and prevents heart disease. Not only that, Saluyot leaves when cooked is used to treat various digestive problems like ,stomach ache,dysentery ,constipation and diarrhea. The leaves can also be used as medicinal tea when dried.

                                     Okra ,is known to be a very low calorie vegetables that is why they are commonly recommended by nutritionists in cholesterol controlling and weight reduction programs and the vegetables are rich sources of dietary fibers.Okra is one of the vegetables that has the highest level of anti- oxidants.It is also rich in flavonoids which help to protect the body from lung and oral cavity cancers.Like the Saluyot ,Okra is also a good source of important minerals like calcium,manganese and iron.
           Sitaw or string beans known as an alkaline vegetable so it is beneficial for people who are acidic.This vegetable also helps to prevent heart attack and stroke because of its anti oxidant properties which prevents cholesterol from becoming oxidized. We all know that oxidized cholesterol can blocked arteries when it stick to and build up in our blood vessel walls .Sitaw is also very rich in Vitamin B1,B2,B3 and B6.It is also a good source of Vitamin C and niacin.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Chili Arrozcaldo

 When its cold and raining this Chili Arozcaldo is best for merienda. It is very easy to prepare and surely satisfy your craving tummy. I like low budget meal yet nutritive . i learned this economical recipe from my Mom and i will also share this recipe to all Moms out there who care their family to be happy during merienda time on a rainy day...

For the ingredients 

        1 cup of rice                          black pepper                    oil
        chicken meat                       salt
        onions                                    sliced green pepper
        garlic                                     seasoning to taste
        ginger                                    scallions

In a Pot ,boil rice in 5 cups of water to make porridge. Set aside . In a frying pan,saute onions chicken meat , garlic and sliced green pepper .Then pour the mixture to the porridge .Cook for 3 minutes.Add salt, black pepper and seasoning .Serve hot .Top with scallions.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Embarrassing Health Conditions

Taking good care of our body is a way to a healthy lifestyle.Eating good food, keeping clean and alert will keep us away from sickness.However, there are some health problems that we worry especially when the condition can cause embarrassment .
What are these embarrassing health conditions? One condition is a foul-odor feet. A feet that smells is cause by too much sweating. Feet has more sweat glands compare to any part of our body.Therefore feet should be kept dry to avoid odor. If anyone has an athlete foot , it should be treated for it cause to produce a more foul-smelling odor. To be free from this unpleasant condition, feet should be washed daily with an antibacterial soap. Air your feet for at least a day between wearings. Soaking your feet with vinegar mixed with water once a week is also a best remedy.
Warts is also an awful condition. What causes warts and how it is prevented? According to study warts are infections by kinds of human papilloma virus. Warts could spread when direct contact. Usually warts are common in the finger and hand. It is remedied with salicylic acid .
Wearing  red-eye is indeed uncomfortable.Bloodshot eyes is cause by many reasons. One is the wearing of contact lenses. Eyes with contact lens easily dry thus makes the eyes to become red and irritated.Conjunctivitis or pink eye is also another factor of redness in the eyes .This is cause by a virus or bacteria .How to fight red-eye? Eating food rich with omega-3 fatty acids like salmon,tuna and sardines is a way to combat dry eyes.For women avoid using cosmetics that can irritate the eyes.
Proper body sanitation will lead to good health and vitality. It is indeed important to care for our body to attain an embarrassing-free health conditions.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

String beans adobo with chick peas and black beans

                            I have a new recipe to share , this is my own recipe.i love to experiment when it comes to cooking. Today, i will be sharing to you my String beans Adobo with chick peas and black beans recipe.Actually ,we are already familiar of the fried string beans ,so, what i did to my recipe is i leveled it up. I added several ingredients like chick peas , black beans and oyster sauce to enhance the taste of the simple fried string beans. So , here is the recipe of my String beans adobo with chick peas and black beans :

For the ingredients 

   onions                 1 cup pork meat
   garlic                 1 pouch black beans
   oyster sauce           1 can chick peas
   seasoning              2 tbsp.vinegar
   oil                    salt to taste
   string beans                                  

Heat oil in a pan .Saute onions ,garlic and pork meat. Add a little water and simmer for 3 minutes. Then after simmering add the string beans,chick peas and vinegar .Dash a little salt then stir .Then add the black beans , and the oyster sauce . Add seasoning to taste...Serve hot.

Dish Garden


                          What is a dish garden? A dish garden is a garden of plants growing in a dishware.Plants that are used in dish gardening are plants that grows very slowly to survive the small space and  landscape.
Dish garden can be a beautiful gift to a loved one. My interest on dish gardening started when a friend neighbor gave me a beautiful dish garden.It amazed me looking at the tiny plants crowning the small dish.
                     So, I started cultivating my own dish garden using old mugs and dish wares from my kitchen junk piles.I collected tiny plants and pebbles and made my miniature landscaping for my dish garden.It was fun .Now i have seven dish garden for a start .

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Be Beautiful

Beauty is not on the outside appearance.True beauty is what lies in your heart and in your mind..A good outlook in life and a positive personality is what makes a person beautiful.Start with a kind heart .Be kind to everyone you meet . Kindness is magic. It touches a life. Don't be hateful. Hate is a destruction of beauty .When your heart is full of hate,you forget to see the beauty around you .So stop hating .Your heart is design not to hate but to love.Help people , try to reach out people who are in need.Helping is a very admirable intention on touching a person's life..Extend hand to the less fortunate because they are reflections of how  blessed you are. Keep on loving as often as your heart beats because it makes you more beautiful .A kind heart is a beautiful soul.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

how to remove dark spots

  1. Getting conscious of dark spots on your face ? There are simple ways on how to get rid of the dark spots showing on your face. An application of lemon juice on your face twice a day will make your skin clearer.Tomato juice will also do well in eliminating dark spots.Using sunblock to shield your skin from the sun will also protect your skin from dark spots.