Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Embarrassing Health Conditions

Taking good care of our body is a way to a healthy lifestyle.Eating good food, keeping clean and alert will keep us away from sickness.However, there are some health problems that we worry especially when the condition can cause embarrassment .
What are these embarrassing health conditions? One condition is a foul-odor feet. A feet that smells is cause by too much sweating. Feet has more sweat glands compare to any part of our body.Therefore feet should be kept dry to avoid odor. If anyone has an athlete foot , it should be treated for it cause to produce a more foul-smelling odor. To be free from this unpleasant condition, feet should be washed daily with an antibacterial soap. Air your feet for at least a day between wearings. Soaking your feet with vinegar mixed with water once a week is also a best remedy.
Warts is also an awful condition. What causes warts and how it is prevented? According to study warts are infections by kinds of human papilloma virus. Warts could spread when direct contact. Usually warts are common in the finger and hand. It is remedied with salicylic acid .
Wearing  red-eye is indeed uncomfortable.Bloodshot eyes is cause by many reasons. One is the wearing of contact lenses. Eyes with contact lens easily dry thus makes the eyes to become red and irritated.Conjunctivitis or pink eye is also another factor of redness in the eyes .This is cause by a virus or bacteria .How to fight red-eye? Eating food rich with omega-3 fatty acids like salmon,tuna and sardines is a way to combat dry eyes.For women avoid using cosmetics that can irritate the eyes.
Proper body sanitation will lead to good health and vitality. It is indeed important to care for our body to attain an embarrassing-free health conditions.